
If a Playground was a Workplace, it would be shutdown…

Don’t get me wrong… I am all for health and safety precautions; however, I couldn’t help but notice a few “violations” at the community park today… At least they would be violations if they existed in a work place.

My daughter had some fun climbing in the park…
Climbing at the park
If the same situation happened in the workplace, the workers would be tied down like this…
Fall Arrest
My daughter had no fear on the ladder…
Ladder Play
In a workplace, training would be required…
Ladder Training
While playing, there is absolutely no warnings of potential dangers…
Tripping while playing
In a workplace, signage would be in place…
Tripping Signage
In the playground, swinging free is the highlight…
…but don’t dare do that in the workplace…
Seat Belt

As I said, I am in favour of health and safety precautions; however, I am also in favour of kids being kids and having fun. Check out this article titled “To All The Kids Who Survived the 1940’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s!!