I have a question for all teachers out there… First, let’s assume the purpose of school is to prepare students for “real life”. Let’s also assume that being a teacher is a “real life” job. Let’s also assume that teacher’s unions only fight for what is fair for the teachers as they work in their “real life” job.
Teacher’s unions fight to ensure that time is given during the day for teachers to do all non-teaching duties such as marking tests, projects, etc. It is supposedly “unfair” to expect teachers to do work at home after school is over.
The question I have then is… Why are students expected to take work home? Why is it important for the teacher to be able to spend time with his/her family, meet other obligations, take part in community events, play sports but it is not important for the student to be able to do the same?
“If” a student did “everything” the school system wants them to do. They would have no time for anything else. Is it possible that overworking and draining students causes some of them to do less work than they would normally? Is there a slight possibility that if school life remotely reflected “real life” that graduates would be more well rounded? Is it possible that the “unrealistic” expectations cause many students to rebel and in some cases boycott all or part of the school system?
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