On Friday evening Allie picked me up from work and stated she wasn’t feeling well. She asked if I could drive home (only 2 minutes away). By the time we got there she was starting to feel numb on her right side. I told her that I was taking her to the hospital so I left the kids with her Mom and started to drive to Winchester. While turning onto Hwy 43 (less than a minute from our house) I asked if we should stop at the ambulance depot. She said “No”. Within about another 30 seconds, things changed… Her speech became stuttered and she was talking out of one side of her mouth. The decision was quickly made to stop at the ambulance bay. They took her to the hospital. A CT scan was done almost immediately and it did not show anything. Shortly after the symptoms started to go away. The ER Doctor was rather confused because her speech was stuttered (not slurred like a typical stroke), her symptoms went away quickly and also because she is rather young & healthy. After a consultation with a neurologist it was determined that she could be released but should go to the Stroke Clinic later for testing.
While at home on Saturday evening, the stuttering started to come back but only mildly. We decided to take her back to the hospital. While waiting to see the triage nurse, the numbness came back but only lasted a couple minutes. She remained in the hospital overnight for observation. The symptoms never reappeared. In the early afternoon she met with the neurologist which was confused also. He has labelled it as possibly being a Basilar Migraine but wasn’t sure. He did order tests in case it was a TIA (stroke) though. He ordered an EEG, thoracic ultrasound and a cardiac ultrasound.
She is now home and will wait to see when she can go for the tests.
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