Homebridge Raspberry Pi

Create an alarm system using Homebridge devices on a Raspberry Pi

It is very important to mention that this is a DIY alarm solution and relies on internet connectivity and constant power to ensure you get remote notifications. You’ll also have to be sure you physically secure your Raspberry Pi so that it is not simply disconnected by evil doers. Install Homebridge Configure alarm switches Create a “dummy” switch by installing the dummy switch plugin. This switch will be used to arm the alarm. Here’s the…

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Homebridge Raspberry Pi

Start Homebridge on boot of Raspberry Pi

I am actually documenting this for my own purposes; however, if anyone stumbles across this and can benefit… Great! Quick Links Installing Raspbian Installing Homebridge Loading Homebridge on boot Installing Raspbian The first thing I did was obtain the latest copy of Raspbian from… Downloads I then followed the instructions in the video below. The video shows both an older Pi and an older version of Raspbian; however, the same steps can be followed but…

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