I am actually documenting this for my own purposes; however, if anyone stumbles across this and can benefit… Great!
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Installing Raspbian
Installing Homebridge
Loading Homebridge on boot
Installing Raspbian
The first thing I did was obtain the latest copy of Raspbian from…
I then followed the instructions in the video below. The video shows both an older Pi and an older version of Raspbian; however, the same steps can be followed but I skipped the step about creating the SSH file because the newer version will ask you if you want SSH access during the install process.
Installing Homebridge
I had success following the instructions at…
Loading Homebridge on boot
The video below got me 99% of the way; however, there was one missing step which I have outlined below the video link.
Although following the video above worked to load Homebridge on boot, it loaded it as the “root” user and not the “pi” user which I had earlier configured Homebridge as. Thanks to a little help from this link, I learned I needed to add User=pi to the [Service] section. My homebridge.service file ended up looking like…
[Unit] Description=Homebridge [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/homebridge User=pi [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
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